
Edit| My Holy Grail Makeup Remover: DHC Deep Cleansing Oil

I've been using the DHC Deep Cleansing Oil ($27) for ages thanks to Dermstore samples of 1 oz each, and I can't wait to get crackin' into this full sized bottle. It's sort of like MAC Cleanse Off Oil...but better. Why? Because it's ultra gentle to my eyes and contact lenses but brutal on waterproof makeup, long-wearing foundation, and generally whorish colors of blush.

My first impression of this oil was severely misconstrued. I had an expired sample that smelled like rancid fish sauce. Good lord! I was wary to add the deluxe sample to my Dermstore cart, but I figured it couldn't hurt to try things more than once. Luckily, the true product smells more like a faint olive oil than fish essence. 

It takes the same steps as any other emulsifying oil to use. I wash and pat my hands dry (very important!) and then squeeze a quarter sized dollop into the palm of my hand. Then, I slap it on my dry (and heavily made up) face, concentrating product on my eyelids and work everything in with a circular motion. Then, I wet my hands and splash some water onto my face to make the product foam up and rinse it off. 

I don't need to wash my face again once the Deep Cleansing Oil does its job, but I do take some more cheap off brand eye makeup remover onto a cotton pad and rub into my tightline to remove every last trace of eye makeup. This product doesn't dry out my normal/dry skin any further and my face doesn't feel tight after I rinse.

The scent has grown on me so I don't notice anything odious when I use it at night. Since I don't wear makeup to bed, as insecure as I am, I don't have to use this product in the morning! 

If you're in the market for a new cleanser and makeup remover in one have a look at this one!

xo Be

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