Review| MUFE Step 1 Skin Equalizer in Smoothing

I had been using the Smashbox Pore Minimizing primer for months and didn't bat an eyelash towards Make Up For Ever's release of primers to correct skin tone and textural issues. After all, my dry skin doesn't really need primer to grab onto base products and I like finding an exact (or very close) match for my foundations.

For a truly in depth and useful blog review that spurred my curiousity, click here. This gal's before/after shot of her nose with this primer blew me away.

HOWEVER, the Sephora travel section got me (again...) and I picked up their Step 1 Skin Equalizer primer in Smoothing. The travel size is $16 compared to $36.  It's half of the size and less than half of the price...and the cute little packaging is TDF.

I've since been gifted another travel size and purchased a full size for later...because it's that good.

The Smoothing version promises to help with fine lines and large pores. I like using half of a pea sized amount on my nose, sides of my nose, and laugh lines. It visibly reduces the appearance of texture without feeling heavy and plays well with foundation. The Smashbox version is also great, don't get me wrong, but it can ball up if I apply too much in one area. Another pro: it has a tiny nozzle dispenser on a squeeze tube so that you can't go crazy and squirt out too much at one time.

I haven't noticed clogged pores with this primer. I can't say that it prolongs the wear-time of my foundations, but anything I put on top of it glides on well without the product feeling heavy in silicones. My laugh lines and fine lines are also "blurred" with this on. I also notice that the sides of my nose doesn't look as oily as the day goes on, but I wouldn't go as far to say that this controls oil. (In fact, they have a mattifying version which I hear works wonders on truly oily skin.)

TLDR: It's $16 bucks and worth a try. One tube has been lasting me more than 3 months with near daily usage.